Best CX9 Loadout in COD MOBILE: Best Attachments (2023)

CX9 Cod mobile

Every season Call of Duty Mobile introduces a brand gun in the game. This time they introduced a brand new SMG which is good at close to mid range competing with other good SMGs like QXR and QQ9. Here is the best possible cx9 loadout for this gun to use in both multiplayer-ranked and battle Royale matches, these attachments are good for both accuracy and range and come with a pretty good amount of ammunition.

Best possible gunsmith loadout of CX9

CX9 Loadout : Quick Look

Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor

Barrel: CX-3BE

Stock: CX-FR

Ammunition: 50 Round Drums

Rear Grip: CX-9 Ace Grip

Details of the Attachments

1. Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor

It silences the gun and adds +10.0% Damage Range
The downsize of this attachment is a +7.0% increase in ADS Bullet spread and a +7.0% increase in ADS Time.

2. Barrel: CX-3BE

-5.6% ADS Bullet spread.
+25% Damage Range.
-6.8% Horizontal Recoil.
-15.1% Vertical Recoil
-3.0% Movement speed.
-8.0% ADS Movement speed.
+19% ADS Time

3. Stock: CX-FR

+14% ADS Time
+4.0% Movement Speed
+7.0% ADS Movement Speed
+5.6% ADS Bullet spread
+8.0% Hit Flinch
+8.0% Vertical Recoil

or, If you hate having HIT FLINCH in your cx9 loadout, you can use the following stock. You get lesser hit flinch with nerfed movement speed.

Stock Name: CX-FA
-4.8% ADS Bullet Spread
-15% Hit Flinch
-6.0% Horizontal Recoil
-14.0% ADS Movement speed.

4. Ammunition: 50 Round Drums

+30 Magazine Capacity
-4.0% Movement speed
+5.0% ADS Time

5. Rear Grip: CX-9 Ace Grip

ADS Bullet spread is down to -11.6%. which is a good thing and that is why we equipped this grip.
But the ADS Movement speed is down to -4.0%%

Attributes Details of CX9 Loadout

🟢 Silenced
🟢 +35.0% Damage Range
🟢 -4.6% ADS Bullet Spread
🟢 +30 Magazine Capacity
🟢 -7.1% Vertical Recoil
🟢 -6.8% Horizontal Recoil
🟢 +25.0% Bullet Speed
🔴 +17.0% ADS Time
🔴 -3.0% Movement Speed
🔴 5.0% ADS Movement Speed
🔴 +8.0% Hit Flinch
CX 9 Gunsmith Loadout attributes

Alternative Loadout with Lesser HIT FLINCH

This is the second cx9 loadout I recommend.

best cx9 loadout cod mobile

Perks I use with this gun are:


Sprinting Speed is increased by 5% and fall damage is greatly reduced.


Enemy AI-controlled scorestreaks cannot target you. Does not affect manually-controlled Scorestreaks.

Dead Silence

Grants silent movement while walking, crouching or going prone. Sound spread distance becomes shorter while sprinting.

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MD Noman Bhuiyan

Hi, I am MD Noman Bhuiyan. I am a tech enthusiast. I love to read, write and tell stories of tech.

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